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About the site, me and what you can do with it.

Welcome! This is the site of wry. I go by the name chrysocolla or aristolochic on the internet. Here I write things about birdwatching, programming, learning notes, weekly life and other random stuff I come across.


The name Wren in the site refers to a tini-tiny, brown-feathered, shrimp-catching, fast-jumping, loudly singing, tail-wagging, mice-like bird that usually lives in rock cracks beside water, which I adore.

The site is open sourced on GitHub, so you are welcome to inspect its code or make your own right here. If you find any mistakes or have any suggestions, please feel free to open an issue or pull request at any time.

This theme is written in vanilla TypeScript for SSG and a sprinkling of client-side JavaScript and libraries to add some interactions for a better experience when navigating the site. TailwindCSS is used for styling and Markdown for blog content. While not thoroughly tested, the site works mostly fine with JavaScript disabled.


Here’s how to find things in this site in case you get lost:

Have fun browsing!